Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Art Final Exam - Part 1


           Although it looks like there was no technology used in creating this piece of art, we would not have been able to make it correctly in a short period of time without a computer and projector. The project that we were given was to create art out of balloons. We could use other material, but the balloon(s) had to be the center of attention. Other groups made a tree or a flower, but Mr. Sands was very creative and helped us think of an original idea. He came up with a bag of skittles, the balloons being skittles. We took it to the next level. We went to the mail room and got paper to make the bag bigger than a regular skittles bag. We pulled up a picture of the bag on the computer and used the projector to project the image onto the board (picture #2). We taped the red paper to the board and traced and painted the words onto the paper. This made the words proportional to the large bag size and the font was exactly the same. We painted the balloons with the skittles trademark "S" and put some of them inside the bag. We hung up the bag and hung up some of the balloons artistically so that it looked like they were falling out of an open bag (picture #6).

Technology Piece - FRAME PICTURE

          This assignment was to show personality through a frame. I took a picture of Morgan in behind the auxiliary gym where there is a lot of graffiti on the ground. I thought that this was artsy. Morgan was dressed up so I wanted to make it look like she was not where she belonged. She is going to a calm, serene place that matches who she is. I was able to use technology when doing this. In photoshop, I used the polygonal lasso tool to remove the background. I pasted the picture onto the beach scene. I placed Morgan to the right of the sun because the light source is on the left in that picture and cannot be changed. I copied and pasted the shadow from the original picture of morgan into a new layer and darkened it so that it looked like a shadow on the beach sand. I was only able to do all of this with the use of photoshop on the computer.

Part 2  - beach painting
Part 3 - post it note

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